
Ximeta's NetDisk Home / Office NDAS devices serve up media

While a certain group of customers have apparently fallen madly in love with Ximeta's NDAS offerings, we're not entirely sure what these two forthcoming devices will actually be called when they land this summer. Klegg Electronics has reportedly snapped up Ximeta's NetDisk brand, but regardless of what label the NetDisk Home and NetDisk Office don, these two media servers could potentially offer up a much desired solution. According to CEPro, Ximeta is claiming that its newfangled NDAS units can "stream DVDs over the network," which could prove difficult to fulfill due to the ever-lurking DRM that will surely appear somewhere in that equation. Regardless, the NetDisk Home is slated to come in a two-bay rack and dual two-bay rack form, while the Office variety includes a single and dual four-bay rack with four hot-swappable SATA drive bays. Each will include the MediaPortal software to serve up music, photos, and videos around the network, and the fanless design should keep the noise level down within your AV system. Furthermore, the NetDisks can be configured for automatic RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 5 backup, but unfortunately, there's no built in web server nor details regarding a price just yet.

Read - Klegg buys Ximeta's NetDisk Brand
Read - Ximeta's NetDisk Home / Office NDAS units