
WRUP: lucky bastards edition

It's Friday, and typically that means we write about all the fabulous games we'll be playing. Being the courteous folk that we are, we also ask you, our beloved readers, what you'll be playing. This week, though, we're doing something a little different. This week, we're angry. Why? Because some of you (and even a member of our very own staff) will be playing the Halo 3 beta. Our grim overlords at Joystiq are also going to the special Halo 3 events in San Francisco and New York. Basically, we're surrounded by jerks.

Have fun playing Halo 3 ... jerks.

What will the rest of you non-jerks be playing?

Xbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard
Xbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. II

X3F Gamertags:
Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAM
Dustin Burg -- SuperDunners
David Dreger -- Knuckles Dawson