
Prince of Persia Classic on XBLA, what? No turban!?

OK purists, let's keep it together. For the XBLA release of Prince of Persia Classic, expected in early summer, Gameloft and Ubisoft have slapped a beautiful fresh coat of paint on the classic 1989 title. That may not make the purists so mad as the prince ditched his classic turban for his Sands of Time look. Yup, Prince of Persia Classic has the prince in his post-turban, but pre-emo (Warrior Within) look, so at least there's some consolation.

Allegedly everything else but the graphics will remain the same including level design, combat and -- oh gawd help us -- controls. For the youngin' in the room who never played the original, you haven't experienced pain until you've tried tackling the original Prince of Persia's unforgiving controls. Yes, it is truly painful, more painful than every time the faux-metal music played in Warrior Within. Still can't figure out what they were thinking there -- but it sold well!