
Hayter, voice of Snake, not involved in Metal Gear movie

While he'll be reprising the role of world-weary genetically altered supersoldier-cum-poet, Solid Snake, in Metal Gear Solid 4, David Hayter will not be playing a role -- either in front of or behind the camera -- in the upcoming Metal Gear Solid movie.

According to an exclusive report by IGN, the screenwriter slash actor pitched his treatment to the fat cats at Konami who, in their infinite and no doubt genetically enhanced wisdom, decided to pass. His take: "Metal Gear as the Apocalypse Now of the digital age, with Snake at the center of a swirling whirlpool of Genomic/military madness." Toss in a couple large-breasted villainesses, some gun-twirling cold war relics, and the requisite long-winded exposition on the swirling whirpool of genomic and military madness and it smells like ... victory.

[Thanks, Paul; via MGS: TM]