
Square Enix Party 'Wall of Wishes' mirrors our own

As well as being at a Square Enix press conference last week, everyone's favourite Japanese game blog (alright, maybe just my favourite), Gemaga, were at the Square Enix Party last weekend. Whilst there they took some photos of something we've dubbed the 'Wall of Wishes', where attendees to the party were asked to write down suggestions for the company on post-its.

The pictures are quite fun to look at. Especially if you can read Japanese. Personally I've got a decent grip of hiragana and katakana and can spot a few saying 'Final Fantasy 7 remake!'. Though I have to say, for a nation renowned for its calligraphy, maybe some of the people who wrote these notes should take some handwriting lessons.

Other notes include requests for Final Fantasy XII-2, a Xenogears remake and Final Fantasy XI expansions. We at PS3 Fanboy are curious to see what comes of this. Will Square Enix listen to what fans have been requesting for the past several years and finally remake Final Fantasy VII, as some sites have intimated? We hope so. That tech demo did look wonderful, after all ...