
The Fifth Element on Blu-ray to be remastered

The Fifth Element

Not even the most devout Blu-ray fanboy would argue that Blu-ray got off to a good start. Sony was responsible for the initial movie push and many of their titles looked like they were transfered from film in an alley. The one title that stood out among the rest -- as bad -- was The Fifth Element, because many of us had previously enjoyed this title on an HD movie channel and the quality was so good that it left an impression. When the title was announced on Blu-ray, many were very excited to own such a great looking HD movie, but then were very disappointed by almost every aspect of the Blu-ray disc. Well, it finally seems that Sony is ready to admit its mistake and re-release the title on July 17th, but hopefully they'll do it right this time. Of course this does nothing for everyone who bought the first version, but hey what do you expect?

**There have been reports from a Sony insider that there will be an "informal exchange program", more details will follow when available.