
Preorder Monster Rancher, get a unique monster

Monster Rancher
is looking more and more like a fantastic example of the way the unique features of the DS should be used. The latest word is that gamers who preorder a copy of the anniversary game Monster Rancher Jamboree will receive a punch card with a special monster encoded within, much like the cards for Spectrobes. From the look of the design, the cards are in keeping with the tablets that carry the monsters' genetic codes.

Now let's just hope someone doesn't decide that this is a gold mine in the making -- if these cards were packaged and sold, things could be bad. Our bank accounts just shuddered at the mere thought. We'd much rather stick to GBA carts and holding the DS mic up to the stereo speakers. We do hope, however, that this preorder bonus makes it to US gamers, because we're all about free monsters.