
Ubisoft CEO Guillemot dismisses E3 as 'only for the US'

Ubisoft's CEO Yves Guillemot is on fire! Last week he just flat out says the PS3 costs too much and now he dismisses E3 (Min-E3, get the name right Guillemot) as "only for the US." Guillemot made the statement at the Ubidays event in Paris during a kick-off Q&A session.

This doesn't mean Ubisoft is pulling out of Min-E3, 'cause you know they still have to deal with those pesky Americans and their money. Guillemot was just saying, "E3 is now only for the US, so we wanted to do something to help everybody see our products ... So we decided to do E3 but in France and call it Ubidays." You know, E3 ... in France ... with one company.

We don't mock though because who knows how Min-E3 will play out? The international press used to be at E3 in full force. Who knows if they'll find it worthwhile if the companies are starting to do stuff like this and come to them? What we do know is that despite there being no E3, it's still genetically built into the companies to do something during this time. Ubisoft is doing this Ubidays, Sony just had their event, Microsoft announcedHalo 3's date and Nintendo is doing their thing right now. There may not be "E3," but that doesn't stop the information from flowing in May.