
DS Fanboy presents: Game Night 5/24/07

It's that time again, where we get together and collectively throw down in the best that Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connect has to offer. And even with the Pokeman fever sweeping up the community, there are still folks out there who want to play something else. They crave a different kind of game. That game has been voted in the poll and is available, along with the rest of the details you need to know, past the post break.

And that game is none other than Tetris DS, a personal favorite of yours truly. So, either you can rock the Pokemen with the rest of the folks at Game Night, or you can play some Tetris DS with the rest of the folk who could care less about those captured critters. Or, you can just say to hell with it, and play whatever you want! We're all about the freedom of choice here.

Before getting in on the action, however, you're going to want to download an IRC client. As usual, we'll be meeting up in a chat room set up by reader ConstyXIV. The server is and the room we'll be in is #dsfanboy. Remember to be in the chat at 7PM EST (to find out what time that is for you, check this out) to take part in the carnage! Come early to get friend codes if you haven't been with us in past weeks, and check this topic for those which get added in the comments.