
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga coming to PS3 this fall

LucasArts will bring forth a new retooling of the already released, Lego Star Wars and Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy for PS3 gamers this fall. Instead of just combining the two games into one, developer Traveller's Tales decided to go the extra mile and include some extra levels, new power ups, and even a challenge mode. Watto and Boss Nass become playable characters and from the sounds of it, the character customizer now allows options for the prequel trilogy characters. With promises to "take full advantage of the unique capabilities of all three next-generation consoles," we should expect Sixaxis tilt control game play. Utilizing the Force by moving the controller certainly sounds interesting. Lets hope it's implemented well. Considering the last release sold like hotcakes, expectations are high on this combined re-release. Look for more as the fall release approaches.

[Via Joystiq]