
Gamerscore Blog's Road Tour stops in DC [update 1]

The Gamerscore Blog crew is still on their road tour across North American and still having fun. Today they set up shop in Washington DC with the official event kicking off this evening. And to pass the time between now and tonight they've been seeing the sights, visiting the White House, and getting a feel for what DC has to offer even getting a look at Mr. Lincoln himself. We're sure we'll be seeing more photos trickle in from their DC festivities later on tonight, so keep an eye out for secret XBLA clues or peripheral appearances. We hope everyone who RSVP'ed has a blast at the GSB event tonight, we're with you all in spirit.

Update 1: Doh! Their blog post was from yesterday, which means the DC event already happened, which means all the photos they have up are all you're going to get. It's Friday, what can we say ...