
It came from the Blog

Whether we are Horde or Alliance , trolls or dwarves, paladins or rogues, we all have one thing in common: our love of the game. Wouldn't it be great if we could all play the game we love together?

Excellent idea. In the spirit of togetherness we are proud to announce the WoW Insider guild, It came from the Blog. Formed on the Horde side of the Zangarmarsh server, it's a place for us all to unite and put the Massively Multiplayer back into MMORPG. We want a chance to get to know our readers beyond just the comments and the odd email suggestion.

Now, we all have home servers with mains and alts that need love and attention. This guild is uber casual, so don't feel any pressure to level another alt to 70 in three weeks in time for the Karazhan runs. We are just coming together for a social hour, as it were, to chat, run some quests, and enjoy each other's company. Not sure what to expect? See our official guild rules for more information.

If you are interested in joining us, our first group night will be tonight at 7 PM EST. Roll a hordie and meet us on Zangarmarsh. Whisper anyone in the guild and you'll get yourself an invite. Come play with WoW Insider!