
Guildwatch: We won't stand being talked to like that, either

Yes, it's Tuesday, time again for Guildwatch, and this week we have a question. WHO IS YOUR GM!?! We won't stand being talked to like that! You better watch your mouth, sonny; I am the GM of Guildwatch, ruler of all you see before you!

Yep, the only problem with being a guild leader is that it doesn't mean you actually have any authority at all-- but it's still funny when you think you do. For more drama, downed news, and recruiting notices, click the link below. And if you've got anonymous tips to report (we got a ton this week!) send them please to Now get us some tea and crumpets-- we are your king!


  • A tipster sent us to the Gnomeregan realm forums in search of drama, and I'm pretty sure this is the one he was talking about (surely it's not this lunacy): Monistatus of Militia and Kaushik of KingTiger worked together to kill a rare spawn in Zangarmarsh, and a nice rogue cloak drops. Kau won the greed roll, and then Moni nicely asked if Kau would sell the item, and Kau agreed... except a few seconds later said he'd decided to give the item to a guildie. You can see the rest of the exchange above-- it quickly fell apart after Kau wouldn't "stand being talked to like that," and it only got better-- Moni's own guildleader said he was "harassing" the other guild, and Pirates Inc even got in on the drama against Kaushik, leading to this golden nugget of forum drama. And don't miss this one, either, in which someone from Militia challenges KT to a duel to see who can down the first boss in AQ40 or Naxx, with the losing guild /gdisbanding. KT, unfortunately, passes. That's a multi-thread masterpiece of drama right there.

  • After all the talk of guilds slimming down after the expansion hit, Gnome Land Security of Feathermoon-A wants us to know they're big and beautiful: they've got over 400 members, and say at least 80% of them make an appearance every week. They want us to explain how they've kept their guild so big without drama when so many other guilds are falling apart, but frankly, I'd rather hear them explain it. How exactly do you keep a big guild going when the new raid limits and harder attunement requirements all say big guilds are out?

  • Speaking of guild Kara drama, we're happy to report that Ascendancy of EU The Venture Company has apparently made it through-- they had their hardcores split off because they weren't going fast enough, but their GM says they've now got a new group going through Kara with a much more friendly attitude (and he notes they're LFM as well).

  • Here's a nice story from Strength in Honor (not sure what server?). Their GM Onemadogre (or OMO for short) is apparently a really great guy, handing out mats and money to anyone who needed it, and nurturing the guild like a family. So when the guildies found out he didn't have a flying mount, they pooled some cash together and bought it for him. See, that's nice.

  • Ninja Alert (kind of). See, guys, this is what happens when you share passwords-- no matter how much it seems like you should at the time, it'll come back to bite you. Leyzhen on Warsong-H used to be a member of Dark Legacy. He allegedly asked a friend of a friend for their password, then logged into the account, vendored everything, and deleted the character. Of course, I'm sure they don't have any proof it was him, because the truth is, it could have been anyone. They're working with a GM to get the character back, but I can't completely feel pity for them: don't share your password in the first place!

  • Another Ninja Alert (and this is a real one this time): Panzor of Gaia on Dalaran apparently used to be Calculator of Progeny on Drenden-- until he ninja'd a T4 chest from Magtheridon. Don't miss the part where the ninja actually speaks up to confirm that, yes, he did steal the item. But here's the wackiest thing: apparently Gaia was running a 25 man raid with Free For All loot on. Who does that? Put it on Main Looter, guys-- no wonder you got ninja'd.


  • Evil Empire on Dragonblight-H dropped Moroes. Oh noes for Moroes! Grats!

  • Gothic Bunnies on Thunderhorn-H (my guild) dropped Shade of Aran, and I wasn't there. Strange how they always seem to down bosses when I'm not on runs with them...

  • Highborne on Exodar-H (which apparently I spelled wrong last week, apologies) continues rolling through Karazhan like that big rock after Indiana Jones: Attumen, Moroes, Wizard of Oz, and Curator all downed on their first "official" week in there.

  • The Silver Guard on Silver Hand-A has downed the Prince in Kara, and apologize that they took so long to down him-- they're a casual guild. Hey man, you don't have to apologize-- a kill is a kill, baby! Grats!

  • Elysium on Gnomeregan has... opened the AQ Gates! Yeah, the realm was running a little behind, but kudos to them for standing up to the old challenges-- they say it took them about ten hours sprinting through old content at level 70. They also say they're looking for 2 or 3 healers-- so you guys got that uber hawt bug mount, right?

  • Focus on Cenarius-A (hey, I have an unguilded toon on Cenarius-A!) wants us to know that they both downed Doomguard, and they're looking for new players, specifically shadow priests, warlocks, holy pallys, and prot warriors. Oh, that's too bad, my alt there is a hunter.

  • Team Pain Train on Stormreaver-H has just entered Karazhan, and they've dropped Moroes and Attumen. They're also looking for a few more good players.


  • I promise I won't do this every week, but here's a quick reminder that the official WoW Insider guild, It came from the Blog, is looking for members. Come play with us on Zangarmarsh-H!

  • Subterfuge on Stormreaver-H is looking for mature casuals 60+ to get keyed for Heroics and eventually run some Karazhan. They're also throwing some PvP in the mix.

  • Trauma on EU Lightbringer-A had some folks leave because guild progression slowed down, and now they're looking to fill their place: they need a few good warriors, paladins and mages. They've got Kara and Gruul on farm, and now they're aiming for Magtheridon.

  • Darks Reborn on Eitrigg-A is looking for DPS of all forms (specifically mages, warlocks, and druids, but I'm sure they'd take a good Elemental shammy) to do Karazhan and beyond.

  • Synergos on Bloodhoof-A wants mature players, with or without raiding experience, to help them out in Karazhan (they're stuck on Shade). They'd like everything, they say, but mages and locks.

  • W M D of Andorhal-A wants players 55+ (preferably 70, I'm sure) to help them start raiding Karazhan.

  • Enfiniti on Anvilmar-A wants to beef up its membership-- they are doing Kara, but they're more than willing, they say, to go back and do the old raids as well. So if you're on Anvilmar and haven't yet seen BWL, they might be the guild for you.

  • No Sleep for the Weary (which acronymizes* into NSFW, gaining them our Best Guild Name of the Week award!) on Maelstrom-A is a late night raiding guild that says they are not family friendly-- NSFW isn't just a nickname apparently. Sounds like my kind of guild!

  • Bane of Illidan is recruiting on Aszhara-A for CC, shadow and holy priests, and tanks.

  • Exclusive on Spirestone-A is recruiting players 60-70 for endgame. They're also mostly a West Coast guild, so they run on MST and PST.

  • The Pride didn't say what server they were on, but they're looking for players, so if you see them around and need a guild, send them a tell.

  • The Obsidian Order on Farstriders-H is an RP guild that plays mostly in the evenings-- they're planning on 3 raids a week, one PvP night, and even a weekly Lore run (through some of the old content). Cool.

  • Ascension on Misha-A wants anyone but hunters to roll with them up into Magtheridon and Gruul.

  • Legion of Doom on Ghostlands-A asked us very nicely to post that they were recruiting friendly and mature players to start raiding within a week or two.

Holy cow you guys sent a lot of tips this week-- THANKS! If you've got something for next Tuesday, just drop it in the mail to Until next week, happy raiding!
*I don't know if "acronymizes" is actually a word, but you knew what I meant, right?