
Today's most Zordonic video: Sega CD Power Rangers

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers had an illustrious career in the early '90s. Sure, on some level they were the poor man's Voltron, but those SoCal teenagers sure did have a lot more video games than the lions of planet Arus. The video we have tonight (found after the break) is the Sega CD Mighty Morphin game's first level. The Dragon's Lair gameplay had you pressing buttons of an abridged episode. According to the synopsis, at higher levels you had to memorize what buttons to press because the game wouldn't tell you. Go, go, Power Rangers! Now, if you don't know what Voltron or the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are ... well, um, the shows were about taking something like your Pokémons and connecting them into a giant Pokémon -- a Pikachimsnorlaxabulbapsysaur, if you will.