
PS3 Poll Police: Would you like to see PS3 Fanboy Theatre?

You can call it "theater" if you want, but it's the same thing. What are we talking about? The Poll Police are curious, not about your drinking habits, but about your willingness to accept an idea we've got brewing called PS3 Fanboy Theatre. Imagine this: downloadable game and movie trailers, up to 1080p. If you get that streaming function working on your PS3, you could easily stick 'em on there, or just open up the site on your PS3 to download them that way (javascript disabled, of course). To get an idea what it would look like, check out PSP Fanboy Theatre. Our poll this week is to gauge whether or not you, the readers, would be interested in such a feature.

Would you care to see PS3 Fanboy Theatre?

I would gladly check it out!

I'd rather not. free polls

After you get your vote on, feel free to check out the results from last week's poll. The result was predictable, but still worth looking at anyway. Even if just to see how many people are sick of a certain type of game.

Last week we asked what type of game you were sick of seeing. Now, we got a lot of issues with the question, like "where's the FPS" or "where's the movie tie-ins" among others. We've got an excuse ready for you, so you can either buy it or say we're totally trying to dodge the bullet. We asked what type of game, not genre. An FPS is a genre of games -- WWII themes are a type. As for the movie tie-ins? Well, nobody plays those, so they don't count anyway.

With that out of the way, clearly you can see that people are sick and tired of games centering around World War II. Close behind are "street" style racing games, JRPG's, and classic arcade titles. We claim shenanigans on the JRPG vote, since there aren't more than a handful on all the next-gen consoles combined. Or the old Xbox. Or the GameCube. Only the PS2. But there sure were a lot on the PS2.

Thanks for voting, guys! We'll see you next week!