
Soul Calibur 4 about to reveal its true form

Ever since the announcement was made that Soul Calibur was getting a little side story treatment on the Wii, the fighting game enthusiast crowd let out a collective sigh. They expected a big, next-gen announcement of their favorite fighting franchise. Namco Bandai heard you, oh brave warriors! In just a few short weeks, make your way to the nearest corner store and pick up a copy of the freshest EGM you can find. They'll be unveiling the first look at Soul Calibur 4.

As EGM said, "if you're truly looking to give your opponent something to cry about, it's all about wielding sharpened steel, and nothing beats Namco Bandai's Soul Calibur series for weapon-based fighting thrills. In our world-exclusive preview, we'll reveal the future direction of this beloved series." We know the future direction! It's definitely headed towards the PS3 and probably the 360. We can't wait to grab our copy on July 3rd. Once we get the info, we'll gladly forward it to you.