
Rumor: Hollywood Video computer hints at budget Bonk

This picture of a Hollywood Video listing teases us with the delightful possibility of a new Bonk game on the Wii, at a $14.99 price point. It's highly doubtful that it would just be a retail release of the $6 Virtual Console game, so this could potentially be something new! Or at least something new to us. Some possibilities:

  1. It's a Wii port of the Gamecube remake, which was never released in the US, and is apparently quite good. It's something that certain Wii Fanboy bloggers have been pining for over the last few years.

  2. It's a console release of the Bonk's Return cell phone game.

  3. It's an original game! For $15 somehow!

  4. It's a trick! Get an axe.

We wouldn't mind any of the three possibilities that result in a game being released. We love Bonk and would be thrilled with a new Bonk release, much like a pithecanthropus computerurus would be thrilled by delicious meat popping out of a giant squashed flower.