
Let's get ready to rumb-- err, raid

B Dazzld over on Livejournal has posted her guild's minimum stats required to enter Karazhan, and it should serve as a great guide to those of you wondering if you're ready to start raiding the endgame.

I've reposted them all past the jump, so click the link below to see if you're epic enough to join the raid. Truthfully, these stats are considerably lower than you'd need to actually beat all of Karazhan-- Curator is a nice gear check that would probably blow a raid like this away. Of course, the great thing about raiding is that the more you win, the better your gear gets, so even if you can just down the first few bosses every week, you're well on your way to gearing up your ten raidmembers.

This kind of thing tends to attract the hardcore people who like to brag that they had +1000 healing at level 60 and if you have any less than that, you're a noob. That kind of thing's not too helpful, because not everyone has hours a day to grind away on gear. But I'll tell you-- my gear sucks compared to most of the people I'm rolling through Karazhan with, and I'm still better than this listing, so it shouldn't be too hard for you, just running 5mans and the occasional heroic, to get to this point at least. So if you haven't been able to join up with a raid yet, or don't feel that you're helping on the raids you're going on, here's an easy guide that can give you something to aim for. And since I know you great commenters will anyway, by all means provide your own thoughts about these gear minimums in the comments below.

Update: B Dazzld is a girl, shame on me. Also, updated stats are in the comments. Thanks, B!

------------ Druid ------------
* Balance
7,000 health
8,500 mana
550 +spell damage
6% +hit
15% +crit

* Feral (bear)
415 defense and Survival of the Fittest talent
20,000 armor
12,000 health
20% dodge
1,000 attack power
20% crit

* Feral (cat)
2,000 attack power
23% +crit
6,500 health

* Restoration
900 +healing
90 mp5 while casting
6,000 health
7,500 mana

------------ Hunter ------------
7,500 health
200 intellect
1,800 attack power (including Trueshot Aura if applicable)
5% +hit
18% +crit

------------ Mage ------------
6,000 health
8,500 mana
550 +damage
6% +hit
15% +crit

------------ Paladin ------------
* Tank
9,500 armor
450 defense
9,000 health

* Healing
6,500 health
900 +healing
80 mp5 while casting
8,000 mana

------------ Priest ------------
* Healing
1,250 +healing
100 mp5 while casting
5,000 health
7,500 mana

* Shadow
6,000 health
8,500 mana
550 +damage
6% +hit

------------ Rogue ------------
7,000 health
1,100 attack power
8% +hit
24% +crit
Pair of 71 DPS weapons

------------ Shaman ------------
* Elemental
7,500 health
8,500 mana
550 +damage
250 +crit rating

* Enhancement
7,500 health
7,000 mana
1,100 attack power
18% +crit

* Restoration
7,500 health
9,500 mana
1,100 +healing
90 mp5 while casting

------------ Warlock ------------
500 +damage
5% +hit
12% +crit
350 stamina
350 intellect

------------ Warrior -----------------
* Tank
490 defense
11,000 health
11,000 armor

11,000 health
11,000 armor
1 attack power
1% +crit

----------Suggested Changes-----------
Fury warrior unbuffed in battle

9k health
1300 AP
10% hit
23% crit

Arms warrior unbuffed in battle
9k health
1400 AP
27% crit
3% hit

------------ Warlock ------------
500+damage (600)
5% +hit
12% +crit
350 stamina (over 8k health)
350 intellect