
Bioware + Sonic = oh em gee

Sit down.

No, seriously, sit down. We've got an amazing piece of news for you. Bioware, who've produced some of the most amazing RPG experiences the industry has ever seen, has finally let the cat loose from its bag prison, informing us that they're teaming up with Sega to create a Sonic role-playing game for the DS. How awesome is that?!

Sadly, we won't be getting our hands on the game until next year, but we're incredibly excited for what Bioware can do with the Sonic IP and will gladly wait as the title is almost guaranteed to be something we'll be down for. SEGA of America, Inc. President and COO, Simon Jeffery, shares our optimism, stating that "Everyone at SEGA has huge confidence that Sonic is in the safest of hands, and that BioWare can create the ultimate handheld RPG experience for gamers of all ages." No kidding, Simon. When has Bioware made a bad RPG? That would be ... never.

Knuckles punching people until they explode, anyone?