
Sonic + Bioware = do not want

Battle lines have been drawn at the Fanboy offices. While the delusional idealists of our staff maintain their positive stance on BioWare's partnership with Sega to produce a Sonic RPG, the more practical among us have seceded from their escapist fantasies. We'll not live under a false utopia.

Already, we've heard reports of disorder on the streets and outbreaks of violence in our accounting department. The building's fire alarms have been going off ever since a group of writers decided to set all the Sonic merchandise and Baldur's Gate discs they could gather on fire. One editor was seen locking himself in his office, pulling the blinds down minutes before a single gunshot was heard from inside the room.

We were ecstatic when BioWare announced its mystery DS project last September. Of course, our naive eyes saw a future filled with handheld versions of Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, or some brilliant new property. The last thing we expected was another bastardization of Sonic's tired franchise, most likely tying in his ever-accumulating crew of terrible friends. It was also the last thing we wanted.