
Namco Bandai developing Haruhi Suzumiya game for PSP

According to Watch Impress, Haruhi Suzumiya will be yelling her way onto the PSP before the end of the year. Tentatively titled Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya), the game promises to be an adventure game, but not much else. That is to say, there's no real information on how the game will play until the official site opens on the 10th of July.

For those unaware, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is a very popular anime series which started a year ago and is based on a number of novels. The show revolves around a schoolboy named Kyon who gets persuaded by Haruhi to set up a school society called "The SOS Brigade" with three other members. Through the society, Haruhi is desperate to discover real espers, aliens and time travellers. She fails to find any, even when they join the society themselves. Why do they join? To keep an eye on Haruhi, of course. When she gets bored strange things happen. Things that could lead to the end of the world. Season 2 of the series should be starting in autumn.

Sound bizarre enough for you? It's a really hilarious show and one we cannot wait to see as a game on the PSP. Let's just hope that it gets released outside of Japan. Oh who are we kidding, we'll pick it up even if we can't read any of it.