
Civilization Revolution to revolutionize 360

2K has announced plans to bring a brand new Civilization title to new-gen consoles, including our beloved Xbox 360. Title Civilization Revolution, the game is reportedly the game that Sid Meier has always wanted to make. We're inclined to agree with him, since he's already made it four times. Joking aside, Civilization Revolution looks to bring a console level of "action-packed" goodness to the series, which has traditionally been a relatively slow affair on PCs. The new console iteration promises to streamline the experience, giving console gamers the instant gratification to which they've become accustomed. Civilization Revolution will also include multiplayer with integrated video and voice chat. Of course, the big question on everyone's mind is whether or not the game can appeal to both console gamers and a loyal PC following.

We'll find out when the game releases in Spring 2008.

[Via Joystiq]