
ThreeSpeech podcast producer makes a statement

While we didn't see anything wrong with the ThreeSpeech podcast (mostly because the reference went entirely over our heads), Jared Rea of Joystiq and the guys at Penny Arcade (they wrote a strip about them? Jealous.) are just a couple of people who did. Ben Furneaux, otherwise known as "The Man Who Said Those Things On That Podcast What People Didn't Like", has made a statement about what was said as an attempt to cool the fires of fanboydom that are licking at his feet.

The statement can be found on his personal blog. In it he stands by the comments he made and suggests that most of the ill-will that was received after the podcast came from confusion about what relation the speakers had to Sony's PR machine. The answer, seemingly, is none. Does that make what was said any more acceptable? That's up to you. Though fanboys have got away with saying far worse.

Be sure to read Ben's full statement. We assume the ThreeSpeech podcast will be continuing regardless of this entire debacle. Though if you're looking for an official straight-from-Sony podcast, then you'll probably need to wait for the PlayStation.Blog to start one. Which would not be a terrible idea.