
IGN tussles with Turok

If you've been playing games long, you've probably heard a million variations on the "if you try to go in guns blazing, you're dead" theme. The idea, you see, is to leverage the idea that there are multiple ways to solve any puzzle in a game, and direct violence is rarely the best one. It was used to promote Splinter Cell, Oblivion, and now Turok. Trite though the sentiment may be, it seems Turok is going a long way towards adding some variety to the FPS genre. IGN got their hands on the title for some pre-E3 action and came away impressed. The enemies seem to have pretty decent AI, which means they will trigger alarms if you're less than stealthy and wait for backup to arrive before they flank and kill you. In a refreshing change of pace, there is no "stealth mode" to aid you in sneaking up on your enemies, so you'll just have to do your best to stay out of sight. You patience is rewarded with some gruesome stealth kills. With all these changes though, the developers at Propaganda are particularly keen to show off the dinosaurs.

The dinosaurs have their own brand of AI which they will use to eat you to the best of their abilities. One particularly cool feature is that dinosaurs will pounce on you once they knock you down. At this point, the camera switches to a third person viewpoint as you do your best to fend off the beastie. Once pounced upon, you are prompted to press a sequence of buttons. Succeed, and you will turn the battle around, killing the dino in one of a number of finishing moves (think Crocodile Dundee finishing a croc). Fail, and you're lunch. If that sounds like fun, we suggest you mark your calendars for Q1 2008.

[Via Joystiq]