
Call of Duty 4 coming to the DS

A particularly war-torn cat has managed to leap from the confines of its bag, letting loose with it word that the Call of Duty franchise is coming to the DS. Hot on the heels of rival franchise Brothers in Arms, Activision's Call of Duty franchise is another FPS making its first debut on Nintendo's handheld. Judging by the screens we've seen, along with who's actually developing it (n-Space), we've got high hopes.

IGN has an interview with producer Sam Nouriani, who has confirmed the game has been secretly in development for quite some time now. He also confirms that the storyline of the DS game runs along with that of the console versions, but does not have you playing as the same characters. As for the rest of the interview, Sam confirms some on-rail segments and tells us to expect all of the wonderful things the franchise has brought to consoles to appear on the DS.