
The latest iPhone Twittering, on a map

I have a confession to make: even though I was there at the iPhone launch, I haven't actually purchased an iPhone. Yes, I'm part of that supposedly small (though I think there are quite a few of us) group of Mac fans who have chosen not to shell out $2k over the next few years to own a little piece of the revolution.

But I still want to be on the cutting edge of the iPhone zeitgeist and that's why I think this little mashup is so cool. Reader ADM tells us that he's squeezed together Google Maps, Twitter, and Ning to bring you a geographic, browsable representation of what people are saying on Twitter about the iPhone. Now you too, even if you don't have an iPhone, can stay up to date about what people are saying and where they're saying it.

What's that? You don't care about the iPhone? And even if you do, you think something like this is completely silly and unnecessary? Touché. But ADM has also included the source code through Ning, so you're welcome to make your own mashup about whatever you want. Meanwhile, I and mine will continue to listen intently through the tubes, and hope for our own little bit of salvation: a price drop.