
E307: Steven Spielberg Presents: Knock Some Stuff Over

We hate to be mean, but we have to wonder how closely the world's best-known film director was involved with the concept for Blocks. It doesn't exactly take the most creative person in the world to come up with "throw a ball at some blocks." We suspect that this one wasn't just phoned in, but phoned in by proxy by an assistant who was also on vacation. Either that or Spielberg has been cultivating this idea since he was 2 years old.

Yes, the hyped PQRS project is Blocks, a puzzle game about knocking over structures of blocks by hucking stuff at them. Some of the blocks explode, some cause chemical reactions, and most just tumble. It looks like it would be pretty fun for a Flash game. The most interesting part of Blocks is the in-game level editor, which allows you to go all Incredible Machine on some block structures.