
Podcast Rodeo for July 15: Ears and Jeers

With the Gradold Man officially dead, I've got to thank my friend Zach for some of the images I'll be using the in the coming weeks. It's especially appropriate considering he hosted one of the original podcasts (before they were even called that) called The Gaming Noise. OK, enough history. To the future!

In-Game Chat: We're linking to it, but, honestly, this show kind of freaks me out. You know when you were a kid and you were riding home from a party with your parents, and they would tune in that obscure oldies station with that super-mellow DJ? This show is hosted by that exact guy. Forget the nasal, ladyman voices you've come to expect from podcasts, this guy (who's mainly wrapping up E3 coverage with his partner) has pipes.

Video Game Jocks: This episode features Jem Alexander from our sister blogs PSP Fanboy and PS3 Fanboy. In case you're wondering, his analysis of the PS3 price cut and other Sony news is truly outrageous. Truly, truly, truly outrageous. Bet he's never heard that gag before.

1UP Yours: You're bound to hear a lot of E3 wrap-up shows in the coming days, but you'd be hard-pressed to find a more disparate group of opinions battling it out than on 1UP Yours this week. They churned out three episodes this week that should be considered requisite reading for gaming fans.

Player One Podcast: This should be a nice palate cleanser from all the E3 chatter, as the hosts take on the Ghosts of E3s past, talking about the ones they attended and how the show has changed over the years. It's a good history lesson for you young fellers, and it starts about 52 minutes in.

Gamers With Jobs: We wanted to be done with the E3-o-rama, but you have to respect your elders. Plus, the old men of Gamers With Jobs, despite their age, can still string a pretty lucid thought together every once in a while. Sometimes, they're downright astute.

There you go, keep your suggestions (or alerts to you name-dropping the rodeo) coming!