
Post-E3 BWii update

In the midst of all the excitement and videos of E3, we seem to have missed a very important update -- Battalion Wars 2, aka BWii! By "update," we of course mean "a couple of new images," but hey, it's better than a poke in the eye with the proverbial sharp stick. Or, y'know, with a tank.

It's been a while since we've seen images from BWii, and while these new shots are long on artwork, there are a couple of screens in there. Now we just need some new video footage so we can see what's up. We'd also love to see some more detail on how this one is coming along, since it's slated for a fall release and we haven't seen much yet ... like the online multiplayer modes. Guess we'll just have to trust for now that things are all good on the battlefield.

[Via press release]