
Joystiq impressions: Phantom Hourglass, The Legend of Zelda

phantom hourglass

The stylus controls work ... really well. Last week we wrapped our fingers around the plastic pen and pushed Link around Melka Island, impressed with how stimulating the touch-based interaction was. There are a few quirks, like the tiny circles you must draw at the screen's edges to produce a roll, but for the most part Phantom Hourglass is the best kind of gimmick -- one without the icky undertone of shallowness. This is an honest sequel to Wind Waker, and a game that will reinvigorate the DS's software dry spell.

Like most Zelda titles, Phantom Hourglass (and the E3 demo) begins with the basics, coaxing newcomers into the franchise. These routines can be tiresome for experienced players, but the new control system was different enough to make the tutorial sequences enjoyable, and frequent cut scenes helped to draw our attention into the narrative -- and brought out some of DS's less celebrated hardware potentials. But again, it was the touch screen that truly impressed; the satisfaction of commanding Link with stylus strokes, and the ability to do so as we go about our mobile routines.

Having been released in Japan nearly a month ago, Phantom Hourglass is already complete (save for the localization efforts) and earning praise. There's little we can add to what information is already available about the game. But, if you're looking for our assurance, Phantom Hourglass is still a must-play, now more than ever.
