
How to normalize your Ventrilo settings

Every guild's Ventrilo has the one person who talks way too loud (usually a young and/or drunk person) and the one person who talks way too quietly (usually the raid leader, main healer, main tank, or someone else totally vital to the raid.) But luckily for us, Thrux of Darkspear has come up with a handy guide to normalize everyone's voice on Vent:

  • Go to Setup

  • Enable Direct Sound

  • Select the SFX Button

  • Select Compressor and click Add.

  • Under Compressor Properties use the following settings:
    Gain = Adjust for how loud you want people to be. (I use 15)
    Attack = 0.01
    Release = Around 500
    Threshold = Around -30
    Ratio = 100
    Pre delay = 4.0

  • Done!

Thrux explains exactly what each of the settings does in his post, but I've found that his recommendations work pretty well. I've been using them myself, and Vent is altogether a more pleasant and quiet place. Now if there were only settings to get rid of the "I'm so high" dude ...