
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix's long title and new modes on display

If you managed to read that headline out loud without passing out, congratulations. Your reward is a first look at the two new styles of play being introduced in the HD remix of Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo.

With gameplay resembling the legendary Panel De Pon series (better known in the States as Tetris Attack and Puzzle League), Z-Mode has the blocks rising from the depths as opposed to falling from the sky. Players are then armed with a 2x2 cursor in which to rotate the gems to create their combos. The new Y-Mode fashions itself after the simplistic favorite Puyo Puyo (see: Kirby's Avalanche and Mean Bean Machine), where it only asks that you position gems of similar color next to one another.

Should you not want to deal with these newfangled rules, we've included a matching trailer after the break, showing off the classic gem dropping, side-abusing gameplay of X-Mode. Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix is set to appear on Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and Steam this Fall.