
Deal of the Day offers Forza 2 for only $40

Thanks to a few eagle-eyed consumers and's Deal of the Day special you can pick up racing sim Forza Motorsport 2 for only $39.99! What's makes everything even sweeter is that this offer includes free shipping to boot, which we can't complain about at all. But you better lay down down your plastic quickly, because we presume the Deal of the Day only lasts until midnight* August 8th. Get shopping!

*By stating the offer ends at midnight we are making a sweeping generalization about time zones. We have no clue what zone bases their Deal of the Day on, whether it be pacific, mountain, central or eastern. As a result, X3F will not be responsible for you missing out this awesome Forza 2 deal. Sorry. But you can cry on our shoulder should you feel the need. We're cool like that.

[Thanks, PacoDG]