
What is this viral Site of Champions stuff?

A new Microsoft backed viral marketing campaign has gone live, references to video games, and is odd in the purest sense. Clicking over to the Site of Champions website you'll be greeted with a locked door and a keypad. Enter in the house number 82207 and you'll be in. Once inside the house you'll be able to click on various objects that showcasing a father who is trying to teach and prepare his son for some sort of event. It's kind of like 300 spartan training. Oh, there's also a never ending game of pong to play too. But most interesting is when you click on the A Christmas Story inspired leg lamp, the lights turn off, a laser shoots out of the deer head's eyes and outlines of Master Chief, a Warthog, and a Shadowrun character glow. It's very crazy indeed.

Also, The Above Domain did some googling and found a personal blog for the actor who plays the father in the video. On his blog, he talks about the Site of Champions going live and says to "enter the 'house number' in the key pad (it's the product release date)". Well, the house number is 82207 which would translate to August 22, 2007 and this talk about product release date ... well, we have no idea about that. What we do know is that this is an official Microsoft site, it's odd, it's viral and it's eluding to some kind of gaming announcement on August 22nd. Come on fanboys, let the speculation begin!

[Via The Above Domain]