
Archaic Rounded-Up Heat

We've experienced a minor explosion of information regarding Mistwalker's Archaic Sealed Heat from different sources around the Internet. We're glad, because, as much as we enjoy staring at scans, we don't know much at all about the game.

First, Siliconera has outlined the battle system, meaning that we finally have some information about how to play Archaic Sealed Heat. It uses a grid-based strategy-RPG system, combined with traditional Final Fantasy-style turn-based combat, combined strategic party movements with the JRPG fighting we've all grown to love.

Bilingual Gamer has also dropped some more real information on us, in the form of a translation of the Story and Character sections of Nintendo's official ASH site. "The cheering turned to screams, and the beast's unearthly sounds echoed throughout the land. A castle shattered and destroyed by flames, the noblemen of the House preparing for their deaths, and voices overshadowed by the fire." Now that's how you start an RPG.

And, in case you don't trust an ASH post without scans, Jeux-France has posted a few scans loaded with screenshots. We feel so much more caught up now! Okay, back to waiting for the game.