
Dementium: The Ward gets psycho on your DS this Halloween

Survival horror FPS, Dementium: The Ward, received an official release date today of ... (cue up haunting music) Halloween. That's Oct. 31 in case you just can't be bothered to remember. The Gamecock published Dementium is a little independent title by Renegade Kid which impressed us at E3 because of its intuitive design and solid feel. Granted, it's on the Nintendo DS, so we don't have many survival horror FPS' to compare it to, but it was fun and almost made us miss our next appointment.

Dementium: The Ward is a mature rated game and uses the leeway that rating gives it. We're definitely looking forward to more DS titles from Renegade Kid. They seem to know what they're doing, getting Dementium together in about a year from scratch. With any luck, gamers will find Dementium and we can see more solid off-the-beaten-path DS titles from the company.

[Via Press Release]
