
'The Cell' director to helm Condemned-related movie [update]

The Hollywood Reporter reveals that director Tarsem Singh is set to helm a film based on the source material that also spawned Monolith Productions' 2005 survival-horror game, Condemned: Criminal Origins. In the year 2000, Singh trapped Jennifer Lopez within the mind of a serial killer and yanked out Vince Vaughn's intestines -- though normally he'd be praised for such actions, both events took place in "The Cell", a visually ambitious film that didn't really please the critics (save for our friend, Mr. Ebert).

The film, which will be dubbed "The Unforgettable" (hopefully not unforgettable in the same way Super Mario Bros. is), is to be produced by Basil Iwanyk, David Goyer and Monolith founder Jason Hall. Hall later became senior vice-president of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and then moved on to found production company HDFilms Inc.

Details about the movie's plot are scarce, but The Hollywood Reporter expects it to be about "a cop who in the course of a murder investigation realizes that he is not human and uncovers a war between good and evil aliens." In a message on, Jason Hall clarified that the film would be based on the "same founding concept" and would not be derivative of the game itself. Think of them as distant and considerably creepy cousins.

[Update: Clarified film's relation to Condemned: Criminal Origins. Thanks, Sir Gossip!]