
Breakfast Topic: Just a little fun

I love this weird experience Lucy Dark had in game-- she came across two naked gnomes, named Frodobaginss and Samwisse, who claimed they were trying to get to Mordor. She helped them for a while-- until they started calling her Gollum.

It must have just been two guys having a little fun for the night. Have you ever done or seen anything weird and fun like this in the game? Once, my gnome warrior was fishing off the wharf in Menethil, and I was bored, so I started /yelling a sea shanty, in verse, that I made up on the spot. It got complicated-- my woman left me, and my boat sank, etc. etc., and while quite a few people ignored me, a couple of people sent laughs, and hopefully they had a good time. Ever done anything weird like that, just to give people a strange experience?