
Plantronics' Calisto Pro makes telecommuting fun

Alright, so maybe "fun" is a stretch, but Plantronics' Calisto Pro sure makes working from the confines of home a lot more plausible. This interesting home phone not only enables users to manage their landline conversations, but the built-in Bluetooth and USB port allows telecommuters to receive and place calls over Skype and through their cellphone, too. "At the touch of a button," at-home workaholics can switch between all three types of calls, and the included earpiece even enables them to chat handsfree. The handset reportedly utilizes DECT 6.0 technology, won't interfere with your WiFi setup, touts an integrated speakerphone, and even comes bundled with a "flip-up waist clip for on-the-go dialing and Caller ID viewing." Cubical dwellers, rejoice, as you can get one step closer to nixing that commute entirely for $279.95 next month.

[Via Web Worker Daily]