
Fanjita quits the homebrew scene

Just like Dark_Alex, famed PSP coder Fanjita is quitting the homebrew scene. Apparently, when Pandora was leaked early to the profit of others, Fanjita felt betrayed. On his blog, he notes "the betrayal of trust that preceded the Pandora release was extremely hurtful, and has left me unable to fully trust the people I'd previously enjoyed working so hard with. And so, I have had to decide to stop working on projects that require that level of trust."

The scene continues to lose the input of valuable coders, and it goes to show that even those in the homebrew scene don't want their work to be stolen. Even with the loss of Fanjita, it's clear that PSP exploits will continue to be researched: "I expect that Team C+D and Noobz will continue to release stuff without me."

[Thanks, ridv34!]

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