
E for All does damage control regarding EA, Sony and Microsoft

Following yesterday's report by FiringSquad that EA appears to be out of E for All -- essentially turning the event into Nintendo-Con '08 -- the company behind the show went on the defense saying that EA would still be attending. Mary Dolaher, CEO of IDG World Expo, spoke to GameDaily BIZ saying, "They have booth space that they purchased in front of South Hall. They are in the show. We have the signed contract, they plan to be there and we're working with them on their designs and what will be displayed and the products shown." So, why did the press release stating their attendance and logos get pulled from the E for All site? Dolaher blames EA's lawyers, saying that they were being picky on where the EA name and logo could be used, whether it's a "billboard or a bus wrap or whatever the case may be."

As for Microsoft and Sony being out of the show, Dolaher even says that isn't so true. In a separate interview with Next-Gen she says, "Just because a company is not on our website [as an exhibitor] doesn't mean that there may not be other ways that their products are represented beyond the traditional booth." Microsoft is a sponsor of the World Series of Video Games being held there and they're trying to get PSP and PS3 kiosks for the show from Sony. Activision will also have a Guitar Hero Gamers Stage despite not being an exhibitor. Well, it took long enough for IDG to start damage control on these developing E for All issues.

Read: E for All CEO confirms EA still attending
Read: IDG Talks Who's In, Who's Out