
Sony launches "Net Juke" hard drive-based stereo systems

Finally, Sony is stepping up the mini-stereo concept nearly into the year 2007 with its latest offerings, the NAS-D55HD, NAS-M75HD, and NAS-M95HD hard drive-based sound machines. The new models offer a number of "digital age" conveniences, like the ability to rip CDs or MDs directly to the hard drive, a nice big LCD screen, two USB ports for connecting to your computer and / or favorite media player, and ethernet jacks for incorporating the stereo into a network. The models come in 80GB or 250GB varieties, with either a "digital amplifier" (the NAS-D55HD) or a "full digital S-Master" amp (NAS-M75HD, NAS-M95HD), and 20- or 26-watts of raw, bone-crushing power per channel. Sony has also introduced the NAS-C5, apparently a wireless "hub," which can connect to the new audio systems (amongst other Sony products) to distribute their playback to varying sets of speakers. The stereos are going to available October 20th and November 10th for ¥60,000 to ¥120,000 ($530-1100), and the NAS-C5 will be available on November 21st for ¥30,000 (or around $260).

[Via Gizmodiva]