
GameStop: 360 returns down since warranty extension

In a recent article in the New York Times (free registration required), GameStop executive Bob McKenzie noted that the Xbox 360's frequentlypublicized quality problems haven't damaged the console's sales at all. McKenzie, the senior vice president of merchandising, noted, "All I can say is that we have not seen anything negative from that." He went on further to say that Xbox 360 returns have actually gone down since the announcement of the warranty extension in July. "We track our returns," said McKenzie, "and returns have actually gone down since they made that announcement, and we haven't seen any effect on enthusiasm for the 360." NYT notes correctly that there is a lot of buzz around the 360 thanks to the imminent launch of Halo 3. McKenzie said that, "Halo 3 is on track probably to be the largest release that we have had in the history of the company," though he noted that GameStop also expects big sales from games like BioShock (good guess, Bob) and Assassin's Creed.

Red Ring of Death or not, it looks like good games are still enough reason for the Xbox 360 to keep on trucking.

[Via Evil Avatar]