
InformationWeek sums up Mac buying for newcomers

Mitch Wagner bought his first Mac in February of this year, and the 8-month gestation period has given InformationWeek's Mac blogger plenty of experience with his new platform of choice (and don't forget what "experience" really is); he's now realized that he can share this hard-won wisdom with other folks new to the platform. Hence, The Newb's Guide to Apple, a collection of the advice and buying guides from IW over the past year. In case you're wondering whether you should buy an iPhone -- Wagner says "I love mine, but you don't want to get one yet." OK, um, sure thing...

Despite the slightly deprecatory title (seriously, I don't know anyone who likes being called a 'newb'), Wagner's helpful links are worth a visit for new users and anyone thinking about a new Mac purchase. His piece on where to buy and find support offers a suggestion I hadn't heard before: try scifi and fantasy discussion groups, that's where the geeks are (he recommended's Mac forum). Happy shopping!