
Weapons upgrades in Ratchet & Clank Future

Fans of Ratchet & Clank are no stranger to weapon upgrades. The system featured in the upcoming Tools of Destruction takes the customizing features of Deadlocked, streamlines them and makes them more accessible. Just like previous Ratchet games, your weapons will automatically upgrade over time through experience points. However, those that want greater customization of their weapons can head to a weapons counter and access this upgrade grid (pictured, above).

Upgrades, such as more ammo, bigger effects, increased damage, and more can be added to the weapons. In fact, some upgrades are unique to each particular weapon. In order to use the system, players will follow a branching path on the grid. Choosing one upgrade will unlock the ability to get another. It's very similar to the Final Fantasy XII system.

The final build of Ratchet & Clank is heading to PS3 Fanboy soon. Stay tuned for more very, very soon.