
VC Monday Madness video wrap-up 9/17/07 [update 1]

Update: Sorry, folks. I ended up getting home very late last night and was way too tired to attempt the video. I'll try to get it up as soon as I can today. Thanks for your patience.

Sadly, we don't have video for you at the moment (yours truly has a sporting event to attend and I ran into some video editing problems), but when I get back, you can bet I'll be uploading the video (however late that may be). So, you have something to look forward to if you are going to be up that late (or something to look forward to when you get up in the morning). Or, whatever. You just have something to look forward to.

Super Thunder Blade (Sega Genesis, 1 player, 800 Wii Points)
Wii Fanboy says: do not download

Sure, the game is all kinds of old (1988 was when it released), but its mindless gameplay has managed to hold up to the test of time. It's fairly fun throughout, but for 800 Wii Points, the "hold one button and dodge incoming fire" gameplay mechanic isn't worth the price of admission.

World Class Baseball (Turbografx16, 1-2 players, 600 Wii Points)
Wii Fanboy says: do not download

World Class Baseball is a fun little baseball game that is ultimately done in by its lackluster controls. See, when on defense, if a pop fly comes to the outfield or what have you, you're in control of your entire defensive team all at once. It makes it tough to make the smart play. Also, it's physically impossible to get a double play in this game as everyone throws the ball so slow. Avoid it.

Yoshi's Story (N64, 1 player, 1000 Wii Points)
Wii Fanboy says: do not download

It's not a bad game (unless you count some of the reviews out on the net), but it's incredibly basic and lacks a lot of depth. There are plenty of things to collect (what with it being a platformer and all) and it's very stylish, but in the end we can't suggest you plunk 10 bucks down on this game.

That concludes our look at this week's Virtual Console games. As always, if you have any tips or rumors regarding Nintendo's Virtual Console service, be sure to let us know and come back next week when we take a look at the latest titles available on the Nintendo Wii.