
New and improved Soul Calibur Legends

1UP recently got a chance to go hands-on with the latest build of Soul Calibur Legends, and things are looking up after the title's E3 showing. Not only do they report improved framerate and textures, but they make the gameplay sound like something worth waiting for as well. The folks at 1UP got to try out one of our favorite characters, Taki, and though apparently her damage output is still being adjusted, her famous speed continues to be a strong asset. It's good to hear that each characters' individual style of play -- one of the things we've always enjoyed about the franchise -- has a real bearing on how you approach challenges, and the "team of two" aspect that allows you to keep two fighters in your party at all times for different situations really sounds like it could be a lot of fun. 1UP has gotten us excited about Soul Calibur again, and we can only hope that Legends lives up to the franchise name.
