
DS Daily: Is Space Invaders extreme enough?

The new version of Space Invaders has new enemy designs, new music, strikingly new graphics, and some kind of bizarre music/gameplay integration. But it appears to still be your basic Space Invaders-- moving left and right, and shooting at enemies as they descend in formation. It's the same game, at heart, as has been around since 1978.

Plenty of people still love Space Invaders today, and we count ourselves among that "number," though we haven't built a career in art out of it or anything. But we also know that we (I) can be a little more retro-oriented than most people. Which is why we're asking you: does Space Invaders Extreme have any chance of holding your interest based on what you've seen (which, at the moment, isn't too much)? Is the basic game too antique for you? What would have to change to suit your tastes?