
Halo lotto tickets and lingerie nixed from marketing blitz

Sure, you might think the Halo 3 marketing campaign has been a bit excessive, but that was before you knew what ideas were rejected.

According to a Reuters article, items that "did not make the cut" were Halo-themed lottery tickets and lingerie modeled after curvy artificial intelligence Cortana. And just like that, our dreams of laying in bed gaming while our significant others play two-dollar "Scratch-Off Plasma Grenade" tickets in a skin-tight hologram two-piece have been destroyed.

Also referenced by the article, though more likely a humorous example by the writer than an actual proposed marketing idea, were Covenant sippy cups and Master Chief pajamas. We're curious about Microsoft and Bungie's stance on Master Chief joining the "Got Milk" campaign: Times are tough, humans are dying. You're going to need more than a plasma rifle and Spartan armor to survive intergalactic civil war. You're going to need strong bones.

[Image from Ctrl+Alt+Del]