
Codemasters says @#$! no to censorship

We know Jericho is going to be scary and violent, but we didn't expect it to get any publicity for it. In a world where video game violence is spiraling upwards to a realm of not-even-realistic bodily destruction, Germany demanded that Codemasters edit Jericho to better comply with their video game ratings system. Codemaster's replied: "Following a review by the USK ratings board, which declined to give an official rating, Codemasters has decided not to change the artistic vision of the renowned author and film-maker Clive Barker though cuts and extensive changes." Good for them.

Codemasters, making this decision, know that their marketing campaign in Germany is all but finished, so have decided to scrap the 360 and PS3 versions of the game in that region. The game will still be released on the PC, though, so if you're from the area, you've got a chance after all. Then again, the games are region free, so there's that route also. Don't forget, there's a demo of the game due out this week on the PSN (though GamesIndustry says it's next week ... we're confused, too ... maybe it's for Europe).